Parent Circle
The Sandpoint Waldorf School Parent Circle is created by parents who want to share their talents and
have a positive impact at the school. Every parent is considered a member and participation and new
ideas are welcome. Contact us anytime at
As liaisons between families, faculty, staff, and board members, the Parent Circle supports the organization of school events, seasonal festivals, social gatherings, parent education, fundraising, and volunteer efforts. We strive to be ambassadors that cultivate connections within the school and across the greater Sandpoint community.
We work to realize our mission by:
Supporting families: Welcoming new families, providing hospitality to visitors, hosting clothing swaps, and organizing Meal Trains, and facilitating parent education.
Supporting teachers: Providing assistance with day-to-day classroom needs and facilitating faculty (and staff) appreciation efforts.
Supporting the school: Organizing and/or supporting festivals and fundraising events, encouraging parental involvement, and spearheading volunteerism efforts.
Supporting our community: Partnering with local businesses for community gatherings and fundraisers.
Parent Circle meetings, which are open to all parents, and will be announced in the school newsletter. Meetings are typically on the second Wednesday of each month at 8:15am and are included on the SWS Calendar. At least one Parent Circle Representative from each class should strive to attend all Parent Circle meetings and report back to their classes on relevant agenda items, such as upcoming events and any volunteer needs.
The Leadership group is composed of elected officers (Chair, Co-chair, and Treasurer), non-elected positions (Secretary and Communications Liaison), and class representatives (appointed by teachers). Elections are held during the last Parent Circle meeting in the school year.
Class Representatives
Class Representative (2 per class): The two Class Representatives work closely together to provide support to their class teacher, Parent Circle leadership, Parent Circle reps from other classes, and the parents in that particular class by ensuring the following responsibilities are completed:
Orchestrating teacher cards and gift giving (Christmas, and End of year)
Cultivate a positive and welcoming classroom culture for new and existing families
Assist with facilitating class social events
Facilitate meal trains for families
Assist with finding coordinators for class volunteer opportunities or be willing to fill in as needed.
Attend monthly Parent Circle Meetings (at least one Class Representative)
Willing to serve a minimum of one (1) school year.