Grades 1-8 — Sandpoint Waldorf School

Grades Admission Process

In the early grades (1st-5th) the child experiences the world through wonder and imagination.  The intellect is developing but the thinking is pictorial, dramatic, and alive with fantasy.  During the middle years (6th-8th), analytical, observational, and critical thinking skills begin to flower.  Cybercivis is introduced in these years. 

Applications should be received by March 31st for priority September enrollment.

Applications received after August 1st may not be considered for a first day of school start date.

For tuition and fees Click Here

Requirements for 1st Grade Entrance: Children must turn 6 years old before June 1st, and complete the First Grade Readiness Assessment conducted by our Educational Specialist. Additionally, rising 1st graders will visit for a day in one of our Kindergarten classrooms at the invitation from our Enrollment Coordinator. 

To start the Admission process, please follow the steps below:

This admissions process is intended to help us determine if we can adequately meet a student and if this is the best place for them to learn and grow. We are a small independent school that has capacity constraints in some areas like Educational Support and Special Education services.  

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