Sandpoint Waldorf School: Student Illness Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines regarding children enrolled in our school who show signs of illness, or who may be absent with a contagious disease. We know that managing the demands of work can be difficult when your child is ill. We strive to limit the spread of communicable diseases in our school and we are committed to implementing policies that balance and respect the needs of children, families, and staff in these circumstances.
If any of the symptoms listed below are noted at drop off, a parent/guardian will be asked to take the child home. Some symptoms will require the child to see a health care provider to gain clearance for return. The symptoms which require clearance are noted below.
If a child becomes ill while at school, they will be isolated from the group as best as we are able and closely monitored until a parent or a person authorized for pick-up arrives (within an hour of being called).
We care deeply for all the children and families in our school. With the comfort and wellbeing of the child in mind, we will ask for a child to recuperate at home when:
The child is unable to participate comfortably in activities
The child is in need of care that is greater than staff members can provide without compromising the health and safety of the other children
The child’s illness poses a risk of spread of harmful disease to others (see list below)
Our Student Illness Policy is based on the Model Health Care Policies developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics and has been updated to reflect our current COVID guidelines.