Walk through the Grades

'Walk through the Grades' is an in-session school tour which provides a glimpse into the active and joyful learning of the students in our grades. During your time in the classrooms, you will have the opportunity to look at some examples of the students’ work, in addition to watching their engagement with the task at hand. In between each classroom, the tour guide will provide additional information and answer a few questions.  After visiting the last class, the participants will be able to ask more questions and will learn about the next steps in the admissions process.  We encourge both existing school families and prospective families to attend.   The tour is for adults only, in order to limit the distractions for the classes being observed.

Tuesday, May 14th

8:15 am - 10:15 am

Tuesday, March 19th

8:15 am - 10:15 am

Tuesday, April 23rd

8:15 am - 10:15 am

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